Buy, sell, for sale, second hand, pre-owned, occasion, km0... Obsolete Products: The blessing and curse of sites selling used products is that we often sell unique products. We have received a bag from a brand that sells for X, and in 99% of e-commerce stores, the product is eliminated, and that’s it. On an SEO level, it was drama: we kept trying to position the product on Google, only to have one day when Googlebot went to query it, the results didn’t exist. Our website gives you a 404 error, the bot gets angry, and a little bit of SEO goes down the drain.
This is a very common problem and can be solved in a number of ways, such as: 1) leaving the product on the site, marking it as sold; 2) redirecting the sold product to the same or very Malawi Email List similar product; 3) offering Fixed model or product tables that are always available and you just add or remove inventory; 4) use canonical rules in tabs for similar and fixed content; or 5) don't index the product table and leave SEO focuses on other content on your website. We personally like options 1 and 3, but they are not always suitable for business or technical reasons. Platform Duplicate Content: In this type of business, our website typically connects to our customers' ERPs to obtain information about the products they buy and sell in order to update the catalog.

But it is very common that the products we display on the website are sent to buying and selling platforms and marketplaces. The content of the product sheets published on these huge sites with very strong SEO is 99% the same as the content of the product sheets that would be published on our site. These clearly bring us to the fact that most of our content can be considered duplicates by Google, and even bots think that the original source is a portal and we copy it. To overcome and solve this problem we have several ways: 1) Not to put an index on our products table (we know the portal won't do this); 2) Duplicate content, let's imagine, in e-commerce and/or In ERP, we have some title and description fields for the portal and another one for our own website; 3) Looking for some rules or patterns according to which the content generated by our website is the same as what is printed on the portal The content is slightly different.