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Create a plan for every marketing channel









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發表於 2024-2-20 14:45:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
*Full Speed ​​Note: There is also a Japanese version of the translated article " What is SEO? Explaining search engine optimization ". But this doesn't tell the whole story. After further analysis of Mailchimp's organic traffic, we came to the conclusion that they have a very strong brand and the majority of their organic traffic comes from branded keywords. Looking at the screenshot above, the estimated organic traffic in the US is 2.5 million per month. But if you exclude most of the branded keywords, that number drops to 125,000 per month. It's also clear that Mailchimp targets a very wide audience, so you should only consider traffic to content related to email marketing. The easiest way to do this is to use filters in the

Home Page report. For example, you can exclude traffic from keywords unrelated to email marketing, or include only URLs that Australia Phone Number Data contain the word "email." However, you don't need to enter all this information right away. The goal here is to get a high-level view. That means analyzing all forms of mass marketing, including organic and paid search traffic, organic and paid social media, display advertising, YouTube, earned media , newsletters, podcast sponsorships , TV and billboards, and more. The goal here is not to create a plan for every marketing channel, but to leverage your competitors' efforts to set an overall marketing strategy. If you would like to learn more about the SEO aspects, check out our competitive analysis article focused on SEO . *Full Speed ​​Note:


We also have Japanese translated articles: " What is Earned Media? 7 Ways to Get It, " " Podcast Advertising: What We Learned After Spending $51,975, " and " How to Do an SEO Competitive Analysis . " 7. Go ghost shopping The best way to evaluate someone's product or business is to become their customer. That's exactly what we'll do in this step. See the entire purchase process Purchase products and services and use them appropriately. That may mean adding items to your online cart, shopping in-store, ordering services, or all of the above. Was the process smooth? Have you encountered any problems or obstacles? Is there anything they are particularly good at? Make a note of it.


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