Let them know regularly that you are thinking about them, that you know exactly what interests them, what they need and want. How do you do that? The majority of the customer journey takes place online these days. Use your online marketing channels specifically to accompany your customers along the customer journey with relevant content. relevant content along the customer journey Treat your customers like good friends. Make sure you have the right content to make the buying experience perfect.
Content Marketing In my article Customer Journey: How Content Special Data Marketing Creates a Perfect Shopping Experience you can read how to use content marketing in a targeted manner. I also write there that content marketing serves customer care. Because after the purchase is before the purchase. And this is exactly where you should start. Offer your customers content that will help them even after the purchase. For products that require explanation, these can be instructions or FAQs on how to use your service. If you sell textiles, for example, then care tips and washing instructions are recommended.

Then it would be interesting to have instructions or an explanatory video on how to mend a bicycle tube, for example. The great thing about it: New customers become returning customers because of this content. Returning customers know that you are the best point of contact for their concerns and look to you first for the product or for answers and information about it. customer journey und touchpoints After purchase is before purchase. That's why content marketing along the entire customer journey is so important. Let’s stick with the bike shop example. I bought a bike from an online seller. Unfortunately the bike comes in its individual parts and I have to assemble it myself.