Its a change from Facebook, YouTube or TV, right? Haha! On WeChat, the user even has the possibility to indicate that he is not interested in an advertisement. This is a real advantage but it also means that you will have an interest in standing out and providing added value during your campaigns. Especially since the competition is tough WeChat has more than million Business accounts. So how to do it? Lets see the different possibilities available to you. The advertising formats on WeChat Ads . Official accounts An official account on WeChat is the equivalent of the business page on social networks that we know.
The official account allows a business to post content and Albania WhatsApp Number commercial offers on WeChat. The official account can be compared to a miniwebsite with a blog. With WeChat Ads, you have the possibility to sponsor your official account and its content. You have several options for this The sticker at the end of the article The banner Influencers For the last point, its quite innovative. You can contact influencers directly on WeChat so that they can promote your content WeChat Moments This is the most used format on WeChat Ads. Its roughly the equivalent of the Facebook Ads that we know. With WeChat Moments, you can sponsor content directly in users news feed.

You can promote different content here images, videos, maps, etc. WeChat MiniPrograms We talked about it at the start of the article, its a very interesting advertising format. As a reminder, WeChat MiniPrograms is an internal WeChat store on which you can use thousands of applications. With WeChat Ads, you can advertise via a banner or popup directly in an application. What budget for your WeChat Ads campaign? On WeChat Ads, there are different types of billing. For planned WeChat Ads campaigns, billing is done on a CPM cost per thousand views basis and your budget is set based on a determined number of views impressions for the exact terminology.