The most basic color wheel contains different colors. But in actual design, designers will expand to color circles or color circles according to actual color applications. What are complementary colors? Simply put, the color that produces a non-color (neutral gray) after mixing two sets of colors is a complementary color, and complementary colors are included in contrasting colors. From the logic of the color wheel, two sets of colors facing each
other at ° are complementary colors. However, Afghanistan WhatsApp Number because different color systems are composed in different ways, we will distinguish between CMYK (subtractive complementary colors) and RGB (additive complementary colors). Generate different contrasting color logic, roughly as follows: additive complementary colors and subtractive complementary colors. This is easier to understand. We can

directly understand that the additive nature is RGB mode and the subtractive color is CMYK. In RGB, if the RGB values of two colors add up to , then that is For complementary colors. What are contrasting colors? In the color wheel, colors spanning °-° can be called contrasting colors. What is medium color? The intermediate color is between the adjacent color and the contrasting color. They are ° to each other on the color wheel.