本帖最後由 [email protected] 於 2024-3-9 14:11 編輯
Source Smart companies will encourage their employees to post these personal-yet-promotional videos and reward them well when they do. One of these posts is a lot more effective than trying to connect with a faceless brand. How to prepare for this trend. Set up a system to reward employees who promote your brand online. Make it easy for them to share your content through employee advocacy platforms. Create a social media guide to help people know what and how to post about your business.
We.ll see a return to some content marketing basics Like bell bottoms and Barbie, a few foundational content marketing trends will be back with a vengeance in Tumultuous Iceland Phone Number SERPs and restless audiences have some content marketers re-evaluating what makes content useful, approachable, and engaging. Content marketing trends - LinkedIn post from Ajdin Perco In , marketers will evaluate their content strategies to make sure they meet the original standards of quality. Source There are three .old school. content strategies that should be on your radar this year. Owned media Topic clusters .

SERP shakeups will lead more marketers to refocus on their email lists, resource centers, and brand communities. Content marketing trends - Lulu Lemon.s community page Brands that build communities on owned channels will buffer themselves against the turbulence of search and social media. Businesses that invest in their owned channels in will be insulated, at least partly, against the whims of algorithms. They.ll also enjoy a more personal connection with their customers, which tracks with all the consumer preferences we.ve seen lately. Topic clusters Remember the old .hub-and-spoke. content model.