AUGUST BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW Charting Dynamic Trajectories Multinational Firms in India By Choudhury Prithwiraj and Tarun Khanna ABSTRACT—In this article we provide a synthesizing framework that we call the dynamic trajectories framework to study the evolution of multinational enterprises MNEs in host countries over time. We argue that a change in the policy environment in a host country presents.
MNE with two sets of interrelated decisions. First the MNE has to decide whether to enter exit or stay in the host country at the onset of each policy epoch second conditional on the first choice it has to decide on its local responsiveness strategy at the onset of each policy epoch. India which experienced two policy shocks shutting down to MNEs in and then Chinese Overseas America Number Data opening up again in offers an interesting laboratory to explore the dynamic trajectories perspective. We collect and analyze a unique dataset of all entry and exit events for Fortune and FTSE firms as of in India in the period from to and additionally we document detailed case studies of four MNEs that arguably represent outliers in our sample . AUGUST MARKETING LETTERS To Groupon or Not to Groupon The Profitability of Deep Discounts pdf By Edelman Benjamin Sonia Jaffe and Scott Duke Kominers ABSTRACT— of online discount vouchers a relatively new marketing tool that offers consumers large discounts when they prepay for participating firms goods and services.

Within a model of repeat experience good purchase we examine two mechanisms by which a discount voucher service can benefit affiliated firms price discrimination and advertising. For vouchers to provide successful price discrimination the valuations of consumers who have access to vouchers must generally be lower than those of consumers who do not have access to vouchers. Offering vouchers tends to be more profitable for firms that are patient or relatively unknown and for firms with low marginal costs.