Historic temp For this, a brand needs PR promotion. After all, if an article on RBC has already been read about your company, you won’t have to once again explain what it does, prove that you are not a fly-by-night company, and that you yourself are not a fraudster trying to take money from investors and banks just to buy ticket to the Maldives.
That is why our clients who plan to increase seo expate bd sales, attract investments, take out a loan or find business partners always create a “ Media about us ” section on the website and post all the publications that have been published about them. Conclusion PR promotion may be more expensive than advertising on social networks or search engines, but it allows you.

Not only to increase sales, it gives you fame: it will allow you to make potential investors your “friends,” and will help you find partners and valuable employees. Just think, is it possible to tell as much about your business in a -second commercial as in a -minute interview on Ekho Moskvy, which you will probably want to share. The effect of direct advertising is easier to assess, but PR promotion can do much more.