try to be as specific as possible. For example, "I want my application to be successful" is not a specific goal because "success" is a vague concept. But a better goal would be "I want my app to be downloaded over 100,000 times," but that's still vague. Your app might be downloaded 100,000 times in six months or five years. Additionally, downloads may be the result of a successful marketing campaign rather than the functionality of the app. Make your success measurable. Examine the factors that best describe your success: net revenue, investments collected, your app’s ranking in the store, or any other metric that’s important to your app. Learn more: What is MVP 6 reasons why MPV is important and necessary in application design Study the article How to create a product roadmap? Now that you're familiar with the market conditions and your strengths and weaknesses, it's time to organize your plans and priorities and create a product roadmap.
To create a product roadmap, start by specifying your goals. These goals should be relevant and measurable to your product features and market conditions. Then prioritize using the key factors that Photo Retouching Service impact your product's success, such as net revenue, investment raised, app ranking in the store, or any other metric critical to your product. Create a Product Roadmap Additionally, you should be aware of the limitations of your project. For example, specify that your time is limited or your technical team is small. Do you have a limited budget? Or how to attract funding for your startup? If these limitations are not considered, they can become future challenges, problems or even project failures. You create a product roadmap by specifying the project's goals, success factors, and constraints.

1. Choose your goals A product roadmap is essentially a timeline that describes the progress of your project. In the early stages of a startup, you have to choose what represents progress for your product. Does it describe your product’s new features well? Or achieve a specific goal within a certain amount of time? Depending on what you specify in your roadmap, you can have a feature-driven roadmap. Such roadmaps are popular among IT teams. The roadmap includes information about each feature, its priority, deadlines, and other related features. When you detail your goals to the development team, you'll get closer to a shared vision of product success and ensure the results meet your expectations. Further Reading: Everything We Need to Know About White Label Development Services Study the article 2. Control Prioritization The next part is to select and prioritize your key goals (and features).